
Counter strike- save your hostages!
Counter strike is a series of video games in which there are two teams each made up of terrorists and counter-terrorists battling against each other regarding Kids Free Online Games. It is basically called first-person video shooter game but can include more than one player. The role of terrorists is to spread terror through bombing or taking hostages. 

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On the other hand the role of counter-terrorists is to save those hostages and to defuse bombs respectively. Individuals playing this video game is given a choice of taking whichever role they want. Counter strike is actually a modified version of the well-known half-life. Counter-strike: condition zero followed the first counter strike. However this version was different from the previous one as it was a single player game. 
Counter strike online series are available all over the world and is called free-to-play spin off. The video game has a number of interesting modes. One of the modes is called the hostage rescue mode in which there are two teams: a team of terrorists and a team of counter terrorists. The counter terrorist team is required to either rescue at least half of the hostages, any of the hostages or eliminate all the terrorists one by one. 
On the other hand, the terrorist team is required to either make the round timer run down while ensuring that not more than half of the hostages are rescued by the counter terrorists, to make the round time run down while making sure that none of the hostages are rescued or to eliminate all the counter terrorists one by one and efficiently. This hostage scenario also comes with a bomb scenario. There is a hostage rescue zone where all the hostages should be placed by the counter terrorists. 
This can only be done through proper interaction. Also if the round time expires before all the hostages are rescued then automatically the terrorist team wins. Another interesting aspect is the cash credited to the counter terrorists whenever they interact with the hostage. However individuals complain that when counter-terrorists carries the hostage they are slowed down which may affect the time. But in reality what happens is that an extra minute is added to the clock to compensate the time. In a nutshell, saving the hostages is considered the most interesting part of the game counter strike.
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